Over the course of its 75-year history, 22 generals have served as Air Force Chief of Staff. Each Chief inherits the unfinished business of his forebears, and each shapes the future for those who follow. No officers do more to shape the force than these select few.
September 2022
Vol. 105, No. 9

AMC and PACAF say they have overcome fuel storage and aerial refueling concerns.
The U.S. must reverse decades of underfunding its Air Force.
Raptor Rebellion
The Air Force wants to retire its F-22, the world’s greatest fighter jet, within the decade. Congress doesn’t agree.
Outstanding Airmen of the Year
The Outstanding Airman Program annually recognizes 12 enlisted members for superior leadership, job performance, community involvement, and personal achievements.
Editorial: National Treasure
Changing the title of a storied publication—and association—is not something to be taken lightly. A title must define who we are and what we’re about. Air & Space Forces magazine does the job.
A New Title for a New Era
Changing the title of a storied publication—and association—is not something to be taken lightly. A title must define who we are and what we’re about. Air & Space Forces Magazine does the job.
Strategy & Policy: After Ukraine, A Stronger NATO
The addition of Finland and Sweden will bring to 32 the number of full NATO members, and put all of Scandinavia—Denmark and Norway in the NATO column.
Targets in Space
Establishing international norms could help protect commercial assets.
World: Space
GAO criticizes DOD on GPS alternatives; USAFE, AFSOC buy SpaceX internet service; and NRO will follow Space Command instructions.
World: The Pacific
F-35s Squadrons in Alaska; Brown tours PACAF.
World: Modernization
Brig. Gen. Dale White, program executive officer for fighters and advanced aircraft, said much of the recent service-life extension program (SLEP) work on the F-16 has bought years of additional life for the type, and he’s gotten no instructions to start work on its successor, which USAF has dubbed the “MR-F” or “MR-X,” for a future multirole fighter.
World: Europe
Biden signs NATO ratification; B-52 bomber task force missions in the U.K.
Faces of the Force
Tell us who you think we should highlight here. Write to afmag@afa.org.
We love letters! Write to us at letters@afa.org. To be published, letters should be timely, relevant and concise. Include your name and location. Letters may be edited for space and the editors have final say on which are published.
A collection of airpower, space power, and national security quotes.
AFA in Action
AFA’s National Teacher of the Year: Nancy Parra-Quinlan