(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
Fiscal Year | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 estimate | 2025 estimate |
USAF Active Duty | ||||||||||
Officers | 60,961 | 61,597 | 62,640 | 63,902 | 64,245 | 64,873 | 64,941 | 60,744 | 61,396 | 61,510 |
Enlisted | 252,762 | 256,983 | 258,978 | 263,976 | 265,369 | 265,658 | 263,480 | 253,904 | 254,110 | 254,490 |
Cadets | 4,160 | 4,207 | 4,262 | 4,223 | 4,176 | 4,103 | 4,003 | 4,050 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
Total USAF Active Duty | 317,883 | 322,787 | 325,880 | 332,101 | 333,790 | 334,634 | 332,424 | 318,698 | 319,506 | 320,000 |
USSF Active Duty | ||||||||||
Officers | 84 | 3,656 | 4,220 | 4,424 | 4,576 | 4,680 | ||||
Enlisted | 1 | 2,907 | 3,841 | 4,455 | 4,924 | 5,120 | ||||
Total USSF Active Duty | 85 | 6,563 | 8,061 | 8,879 | 9,500 | 9,800 | ||||
Civilian Personnel | ||||||||||
Direct hire (excluding technicians) | 131,965 | 140,116 | 135,879 | 139,536 | 140,848 | 147,434 | 142,293 | 161,448 | 169,325 | 165,705 |
ANG technicians | 23,044 | 22,542 | 21,705 | 17,502 | 14,970 | 10,994 | 14,143 | 10,179 | 10,864 | 10,744 |
AFRC technicians | 8,384 | 7,872 | 7,648 | 7,714 | 9,027 | 7,224 | 5,793 | 5,342 | 6,882 | 6,697 |
Total direct hire | 163,393 | 170,530 | 165,232 | 164,752 | 164,845 | 165,652 | 162,229 | 176,969 | 187,071 | 183,146 |
Indirect hire | 3,704 | 4,570 | 4,202 | 4,190 | 3,694 | 3,728 | 3,973 | 3,549 | 3,909 | 3,132 |
Total Civilian Personnel | 167,097 | 175,100 | 169,434 | 168,942 | 168,539 | 169,380 | 166,202 | 180,518 | 190,980 | 186,278 |
Air National Guard | ||||||||||
Selected Reserve Officers | 14,593 | 15,257 | 15,401 | 15,495 | 15,990 | 16,377 | 16,253 | 16,238 | 15,705 | 15,608 |
Selected Reserve Enlisted | 90,907 | 90,413 | 92,068 | 91,702 | 91,424 | 92,106 | 88,731 | 88,736 | 90,595 | 92,092 |
Total ANG | 105,500 | 105,670 | 107,469 | 107,197 | 107,414 | 108,483 | 104,984 | 104,974 | 106,300 | 107,700 |
Air Force Reserve Command | ||||||||||
Selected Reserve Officers | 14,896 | 13,672 | 13,716 | 14,042 | 14,458 | 14,947 | 14,988 | 14,838 | 14,579 | 14,625 |
Selected Reserve Enlisted | 54,304 | 55,126 | 54,987 | 55,347 | 54,598 | 55,623 | 53,060 | 51,378 | 52,121 | 52,375 |
Total AFRC Selected Reserve | 69,200 | 68,798 | 68,703 | 69,389 | 69,056 | 70,570 | 68,048 | 66,216 | 66,700 | 67,000 |
Individual Ready Reserve Officers | 7,492 | 7,492 | 6,593 | 7,631 | 7,631 | 7,631 | 7,340 | 7,379 | 7,419 | 7,458 |
IRR Enlisted | 29,359 | 29,359 | 21,801 | 20,683 | 20,683 | 20,683 | 21,196 | 23,099 | 23,056 | 22,696 |
Total IRR | 36,851 | 36,851 | 28,394 | 28,314 | 28,314 | 28,314 | 28,536 | 30,478 | 30,475 | 30,154 |
Total AFRC | 106,051 | 105,649 | 97,097 | 97,370 | 97,370 | 98,884 | 96,584 | 96,694 | 97,175 | 97,154 |
Total Ready Reserve | 211,551 | 211,319 | 204,566 | 204,567 | 204,784 | 207,367 | 201,568 | 201,668 | 203,475 | 204,854 |
Sources: Fiscal 2024 and 2025 President’s Budget Requests; Defense Manpower Data Center.
(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023* | |
Cadets | ||||||||||
Female | 0 | 504 | 553 | 658 | 966 | 1,176 | 1,194 | 1,182 | 1,196 | 1,203 |
% | 0 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 21 | 28 | 29 | 29 | 30 | 30 |
Male | 4,144 | 3,907 | 3,817 | 3,617 | 3,592 | 3,047 | 2,982 | 2,921 | 2,807 | 2,847 |
% | 100 | 89 | 87 | 85 | 79 | 72 | 71 | 71 | 70 | 70 |
Total | 4,144 | 4,411 | 4,370 | 4,275 | 4,558 | 4,223 | 4,176 | 4,103 | 4,003 | 4,050 |
Enlisted | ||||||||||
Female | 8,987 | 60,803 | 60,803 | 55,011 | 50,946 | 54,205 | 55,239 | 55,644 | 55,297 | 53,973 |
% | 1.4 | 13.2 | 14 | 19.2 | 19.3 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 |
Male | 652,559 | 399,517 | 374,385 | 231,620 | 212,491 | 209,771 | 210,130 | 210,014 | 208,183 | 204,386 |
% | 98.6 | 86.8 | 86 | 80.8 | 80.7 | 79.4 | 79.2 | 79.1 | 79 | 79.1 |
Total | 661,546 | 460,320 | 435,188 | 286,631 | 263,437 | 263,976 | 265,369 | 265,658 | 263,480 | 258,359 |
Officer | ||||||||||
Female | 4,667 | 8,493 | 13,331 | 11,819 | 12,363 | 13,932 | 14,325 | 14,671 | 15,040 | 15,468 |
% | 4 | 9 | 13 | 17 | 19 | 22 | 22 | 23 | 23 | 24 |
Male | 125,136 | 89,156 | 86,714 | 57,204 | 53,838 | 49,970 | 49,920 | 50,202 | 49,901 | 49,700 |
% | 94.6 | 91.3 | 86.7 | 82.9 | 81.3 | 78.2 | 77.7 | 77.4 | 76.8 | 76.3 |
Total | 129,803 | 97,649 | 100,045 | 69,023 | 66,201 | 63,902 | 64,245 | 64,873 | 64,941 | 65,168 |
Grand Total | 795,493 | 562,380 | 539,603 | 359,929 | 334,196 | 332,101 | 333,790 | 334,634 | 332,424 | 327,577 |
Sources: Defense Manpower Data Center: Table of Active Duty Females by Rank/Grade and Service, September 2023, and Active Duty Military Personnel by Rank/Grade, September 2023
*includes Space Force
(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
1907 | 3 | 1936 | 17,233 | 1965 | 824,662 | 1994 | 426,327 |
1908 | 13 | 1937 | 19,147 | 1966 | 887,353 | 1995 | 400,409 |
1909 | 27 | 1938 | 21,089 | 1967 | 897,494 | 1996 | 389,001 |
1910 | 11 | 1939 | 23,455 | 1968 | 904,850 | 1997 | 377,385 |
1911 | 23 | 1940 | 51,165 | 1969 | 862,353 | 1998 | 367,470 |
1912 | 51 | 1941 | 152,125 | 1970 | 791,349 | 1999 | 360,590 |
1913 | 114 | 1942 | 764,415 | 1971 | 755,300 | 2000 | 355,654 |
1914 | 122 | 1943 | 2,197,114 | 1972 | 725,838 | 2001 | 353,571 |
1915 | 208 | 1944 | 2,372,292 | 1973 | 691,182 | 2002 | 368,251 |
1916 | 311 | 1945 | 2,282,259 | 1974 | 643,970 | 2003 | 375,062 |
1917 | 1,218 | 1946 | 455,515 | 1975 | 612,751 | 2004 | 376,616 |
1918 | 195,023 | 1947 | 305,827 | 1976 | 585,416 | 2005 | 353,696 |
1919 | 25,603 | 1948 | 387,730 | 1977 | 570,695 | 2006 | 348,953 |
1920 | 9,050 | 1949 | 419,347 | 1978 | 569,712 | 2007 | 333,495 |
1921 | 11,649 | 1950 | 411,277 | 1979 | 559,455 | 2008 | 327,379 |
1922 | 9,642 | 1951 | 788,381 | 1980 | 557,969 | 2009 | 333,408 |
1923 | 9,441 | 1952 | 983,261 | 1981 | 570,302 | 2010 | 334,196 |
1924 | 10,547 | 1953 | 977,593 | 1982 | 582,845 | 2011 | 333,370 |
1925 | 9,670 | 1954 | 947,918 | 1983 | 592,044 | 2012 | 332,918 |
1926 | 9,674 | 1955 | 959,946 | 1984 | 597,125 | 2013 | 330,694 |
1927 | 10,078 | 1956 | 909,958 | 1985 | 601,515 | 2014 | 316,332 |
1928 | 10,549 | 1957 | 919,835 | 1986 | 608,199 | 2015 | 311,357 |
1929 | 12 ,131 | 1958 | 871,156 | 1987 | 607,035 | 2016 | 317,883 |
1930 | 13,531 | 1959 | 840,435 | 1988 | 576,446 | 2017 | 322,787 |
1931 | 14,780 | 1960 | 814,752 | 1989 | 570,880 | 2018 | 329,880 |
1932 | 15,028 | 1961 | 821,151 | 1990 | 535,233 | 2019 | 332,101 |
1933 | 15,099 | 1962 | 884,025 | 1991 | 510,432 | 2020 | 329,797 |
1934 | 15,861 | 1963 | 869,431 | 1992 | 470,315 | 2021 | 334,634 |
1935 | 16,247 | 1964 | 856,798 | 1993 | 444,351 | 2022 | 332,424 |
2023 | 333,944 | ||||||
2024* | 334,100 | ||||||
2025* | 329,800 |
From 1907-1946, these Airmen were part of the U.S. Army. See p. 80 on organizational history.
(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023** | |
US and Territories | 445,886 | 418,027 | 291,260 | 277,123 | 276,090 | 277,818 | 303,007 | 277,184 | 279,004 |
Europe | 76,788 | 69,296 | 32,901 | 30,963 | 27,649 | 27,762 | 29,896 | 28,548 | 28,954 |
East Asia, Pacific | 32,263 | 33,558 | 22,030 | 12,649 | 20,698 | 20,644 | 22,053 | 21,105 | 20,966 |
Africa, Mideast, S. Asia | 674 | 376 | 8,972 | 891 | 2,076 | 2,032 | 2,162 | 2,093 | 2,087 |
Western Hemisphere | 2,211 | 2,356 | 345 | 339 | 440 | 436 | 454 | 389 | 459 |
Other | 147 | 11,620 | 146 | 12,231 | 1,096 | 1,105 | 1,183 | 1,097 | 1,109 |
Total* | 557,969 | 535,233 | 355,654 | 334,196 | 328,049 | 329,797 | 358,755 | 330,416 | 332,579 |
*Not including cadets.
**Includes Space Force beginning in 2023.
Source: Department of the Air Force
(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
AFSC | Total | |
1A3 | In-Flight Refueling Spc | 1,517 |
1A1 | Flight Eng | 2,566 |
1A2 | Aircraft Ldm | 3,341 |
1A3 | Airborne Mission Sys Spc | 1,787 |
1A6 | Flight Attendant | 300 |
1A8 | Airborne ISR | 2,102 |
1A9 | Spc Mission Aviator | 1,055 |
1B0 | Cyber Warfare Operations Supt | 31 |
1B4 | CW Ops | 1,659 |
1C0 | Aviation Rsc Mgmt | 3,047 |
1C1 | Air Traffic Control | 2,994 |
1C3 | C2 Ops | 2,799 |
1C5 | C2 Battle Mgmt Ops | 2,431 |
1C6 | Space Sys Ops | 711 |
1C7 | Airfield Mgmt | 1,251 |
1C8 | Radar, Airfield, and Weather Sys | 1,757 |
1D7 | Defensive Cyber Ops | 31,392 |
1H0 | Aerosapce Physiology | 234 |
1N0 | Intelligence | 6,915 |
1N1 | Imagery Analysis | 3,469 |
1N2 | Sigint | 2,231 |
1N3 | Cryptologic Language Analyst | 3,212 |
1N4 | Network Intel Analysis | 4,313 |
1N7 | Humint Spc | 165 |
1N8 | Targeting Analyst | 858 |
1P0 | Aircrew Flight Equip | 4,042 |
1S0 | Safety | 722 |
1T0 | SERE Specialist | 796 |
1U0 | RPA Sensor Operator Manager | 2,229 |
1U1 | RPA Pilot Manager | 200 |
1W0 | Weather | 3,087 |
1Z1 | Pararescue | 938 |
1Z2 | Combat Control | 622 |
1Z3 | TACP | 1,952 |
1Z4 | Special Recon | 126 |
2A0 | Avionics | 1,516 |
2A2 | SOF/PR Integrated Comm/Nav/Mission Sys | 394 |
2A3 | Fighter/RPA Maint | 19,578 |
2A5 | Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maint | 20,629 |
2A6 | Aircraft Sys | 26,637 |
2A7 | Aircraft Metals Technology | 8,923 |
2A8 | Mobility AF Integrated Comms/Nav/Mission Sys | 518 |
2A9 | Bomber/Spc Integrated Comms/Nav/Mission Sys | 7,606 |
2F0 | Fuels | 4,508 |
2G0 | Logistics Plans | 1,540 |
2M0 | Missile and Space Sys Maint | 1,617 |
2P0 | Precision Measurement Equipment Lab | 792 |
2R0 | Maintenance | 1,015 |
2R1 | Maint Prod Mgmt | 1,123 |
2R2 | Maint Mgmt | 404 |
2S0 | Materiel Mgmt | 9,492 |
2T0 | Traffic Mgmt | 2,676 |
2T1 | Ground Trans | 3,077 |
2T2 | Air Trans | 10,791 |
2T3 | Vehicle Mgmt | 5,179 |
2W0 | Munitions Maint | 9,309 |
2W1 | Aircraft Armament Sys | 9,511 |
2W2 | Nuclear Weapons | 687 |
3D0 | Cyberspace Ops | 1 |
3E0 | Civil Engineer | 4,915 |
3E1 | Heating | 2,388 |
3E2 | Pavements and Construction Equip | 3,180 |
3E3 | Structural | 2,664 |
3E4 | Water and Fuel Systems | 2,617 |
3E5 | Engineering | 1,580 |
3E6 | Ops Mgmt | 1,177 |
3E7 | Fire Protection | 5,447 |
3E8 | Explosive Ordnance Disposal | 1,944 |
3E9 | Emergency Mgmt | 1,659 |
3F0 | Personnel | 9,250 |
3F1 | Services | 7,228 |
3F2 | Education and Training | 2,663 |
3F3 | Manpower | 439 |
3F4 | Equal Opportunity | 374 |
3F5 | Administration Manager | 6,072 |
3H0 | Historian | 8 |
3N0 | Public Affairs | 1,867 |
3N1 | Regional Band | 472 |
3N2 | Premier Band – The USAF Band | 173 |
3N3 | USAF Academy Band | 50 |
3P0 | Security Forces | 36,341 |
4A0 | Health Services Mgmt | 3,944 |
4A1 | Medical Materiel | 1,465 |
4A2 | Biomedical Equip | 686 |
4B0 | Bioenvironmental Eng | 1,238 |
4C0 | Mental Health Svc | 983 |
4D0 | Diet Therapy | 220 |
4E0 | Public Health | 1,352 |
4H0 | Cardiopulmonary Lab | 492 |
4J0 | Physical Medicine | 295 |
4N0 | Aerospace Medical Svc | 11,308 |
4N1 | Surgical Technologist | 636 |
4P0 | Pharmacy | 699 |
4R0 | Diagnostic Imaging | 782 |
4T0 | Medical Lab | 1,083 |
4V0 | Optometry | 332 |
4Y0 | Dental | 2,797 |
5C0 | Cyber Ops (USSF) | 1 |
5J0 | Paralegal | 1,277 |
5R0 | Religious Affairs | 985 |
5S0 | Space Sys Ops (USSF) | 2 |
6C0 | Contracting | 1,753 |
6F0 | Financial Mgmt and Comptroller | 3,526 |
7S0 | Special Investigations | 1,219 |
8A2 | Enlisted Aide | 67 |
8A3 | Protocol | 59 |
8A4 | Talent Mgmt Consultant | 175 |
8B0 | Military Training Instructor | 675 |
8B1 | Military Training Leader | 483 |
8B2 | Academy Military Training NCO | 118 |
8B3 | AFROTC Training Instructor | 88 |
8C0 | Amn and Family Readiness Center NCO | 193 |
8F0 | First Sergeant | 2,556 |
8G0 | Premier Honor Guard | 269 |
8G1 | USAF Installation Honor Guard Prgm Mgr | 73 |
8H0 | Amn Dorm Leader | 302 |
8I0 | Superintendent | 260 |
8I1 | Inspections Coordinator | 322 |
8I2 | Complaints Resolution Coordinator | 11 |
8K0 | Software Development Specialist | 1 |
8L5 | Air Advisor Advanced | 1 |
8L7 | Combat Aviation Advisor | 25 |
8P0 | Courier | 78 |
8P1 | Defense Attache | 121 |
8R0 | Enlisted Accessions Recruiter | 1,806 |
8R2 | Second-Tier Recruiter | 967 |
8R3 | Third-Tier Recruiter | 500 |
8S0 | Missile Facility Mgr | 196 |
8T0 | PME Instructor | 610 |
8T1 | Enl PME Instructional Sys Designer | 32 |
8T2 | Airman Development Advisor | 87 |
8U0 | Unit Deployment Mgr | 232 |
8U1 | WMD Civil Support Team | 10 |
9A0 | Enl Amn, Disqualified for Reasons Beyond Ctrl | 112 |
9A1 | Enl Amn, Disqualified for Reasons Within Ctrl | 66 |
9A2 | Enl Airman Awaiting Discharge, Separation, or Ret for Reasons Within Ctrl | 62 |
9A3 | Enl Awaiting Dis, Sep, or Ret for Reasons Beyond Ctrl | 58 |
9A5 | Enl Amn Temp Ineligible for Retraining, Disqualified for Reasons Beyond Ctrl | 82 |
9B0 | Sr Enl Adv to Chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff | 1 |
9C0 | Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force | 1 |
9C1 | Executive Asst to the CMSO | 1 |
9D1 | AF Developmental Senior Enlisted Positions | 17 |
9D2 | Key Developmental Senior Enlisted Positions | 22 |
9E0 | Command Chief Master Sergeant | 384 |
9E1 | Command Chief Executive Assistant | 18 |
9E2 | Individual Mobilization Augmentee to CCMS | 11 |
9G1 | Group Senior Enl Leader | 783 |
9H0 | Academic Faculty Inst | 11 |
9I0 | Futures Airman | 9 |
9J0 | Prisoner | 10 |
9L0 | Interpreter/Translator | 77 |
9L1 | Enl Engagement Mgr/Int’l Affairs | 5 |
9M0 | MEPCOM Sr Enl Advisor | 1 |
9M2 | Intl Health Spc | 3 |
9M4 | Chief, Medical Enl Force | 14 |
9Q0 | Reserve Force Generation and Oversight NCO | 16 |
9R0 | Civil Air Patrol Assistance NCO | 1 |
9S1 | Scientific Applications Spc | 504 |
9T0 | Basic Enl Amn | 4,750 |
9T1 | Officer Trainee | 503 |
9T2 | Pre-Cadet Assigned | 310 |
9T4 | AF Institute of Tech or Ed With Industry Enl Students | 4 |
9T5 | Basic Special Warfare Enlisted Airman | 190 |
9V0 | Key Developmental Joint Enlisted Position | 8 |
9V1 | Exec Asst to the Sr Enl Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff | 2 |
9W3 | Non-Combat Wounded Warrior | 1 |
9Z0 | Special Warfare Mission Support on HAF Staff | 2 |
9Z2 | Special Warfare Mission Support Supt | 5 |
(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
AFSC | Total | |
10C | Ops Cmdr | 588 |
11B | Bomber Pilot | 611 |
11E | Experimental Test Pilot | 164 |
11F | Fighter Pilot | 3,719 |
11G | Generalist Pilot | 411 |
11H | Helicopter Pilot | 957 |
11K | Trainer Pilot | 1,565 |
11M | Mobility Pilot | 7,932 |
11R | Recon/Surveillance/EW Pilot | 804 |
11S | Spc Ops Pilot | 1,507 |
11U | RPA Pilot | 230 |
12B | Bomber Combat Systems Officer (CSO) | 632 |
12E | Experimental Test CSO | 29 |
12F | Fighter CSO | 419 |
12G | Generalist CSO | 125 |
12H | Rescue CSO | 104 |
12K | Trainer CSO | 167 |
12M | Mobility CSO | 413 |
12R | Recon/Surveillance/EW CSO | 874 |
12S | Spc Ops CSO | 675 |
12U | RPA | 127 |
13A | Astronaut | 3 |
13B | Air Battle Mgr | 1,829 |
13H | Aerospace Physiologist | 85 |
13M | Airfield Ops | 297 |
13N | Nuclear and Missile Ops | 1,235 |
13O | Multi-Domain Warfare Officer | 17 |
13S | Space Ops | 465 |
14F | Info Ops | 163 |
14N | Intelligence | 5,178 |
15A | Operations Research Analyst | 470 |
15W | Weather and Environmental Svcs | 523 |
16F | Regional Affairs Strategist | 431 |
16G | AF Ops Staff Officer | 840 |
16K | Software Development Officer | 9 |
16P | Political-Military Affairs Strategist | 274 |
16R | Planning and Programming | 758 |
17C | Cyberspace Warfare Ops Cmdr | 20 |
17D | Warfighter Comms Ops | 2,905 |
17S | Cyberspace Effects Ops | 1,244 |
18A | Attack RPA Pilot | 2,006 |
18E | Experimental Test RPA Pilot | 13 |
18G | Generalist RPA Pilot | 75 |
18R | Recon RPA Pilot | 560 |
18S | Special Ops RPA Pilot | 421 |
19Z | Special Warfare | 753 |
20C | Logistics Cmdr | 369 |
21A | Aircraft Maint | 2,019 |
21M | Munitions and Missile Maint | 317 |
21R | Logistics Readiness | 2,173 |
30C | Support Cmdr | 474 |
31P | Security Forces | 939 |
32E | Civil Eng | 1,903 |
35B | Band | 22 |
35P | Public Affairs | 625 |
38F | Force Support Officer | 2,151 |
40C | Medical Cmdr | 226 |
41A | Health Services Admin | 1,725 |
42B | Physical Therapist | 220 |
42E | Optometrist | 256 |
42F | Podiatric Surgeon | 16 |
42G | Physician Asst | 804 |
42N | Audiology/Speech Pathologist | 31 |
42P | Clinical Psychologist | 303 |
42S | Clinical Social Worker | 280 |
42T | Occupational Therapist | 22 |
43B | Biomedical Scientist | 115 |
43D | Dietitian | 41 |
43E | Bioenvironmental Eng | 382 |
43H | Public Health Officer | 267 |
43P | Pharmacist | 293 |
43T | Biomedical Lab | 146 |
44A | Chief, Hospital/Clinic Svcs | 76 |
44B | Preventive Medicine | 28 |
44D | Pathologist | 73 |
44E | ER Services Physician | 382 |
44F | Family Physician | 544 |
44G | General Practice Physician | 111 |
44J | Clinical Geneticist | 2 |
44K | Pediatrician | 307 |
44M | Internist | 494 |
44N | Neurologist | 50 |
44O | Physician | 69 |
44P | Psychiatrist | 177 |
44R | Diagnostic Radiologist | 168 |
44S | Dermatologist | 38 |
44T | Radiotherapist | 5 |
44U | Occupational Medicine | 15 |
44Y | Critical Care Medicine | 72 |
44Z | Allergist | 22 |
45A | Anesthesiologist | 207 |
45B | Orthopedic Surgeon | 112 |
45E | Ophthalmologist | 46 |
45G | Obstetrician and Gynecologist | 167 |
45N | Otorhinolaryngologist | 50 |
45S | Surgeon | 318 |
45U | Urologist | 30 |
46A | Nursing Admin | 228 |
46F | Flight Nurse | 974 |
46N | Clinical Nurse | 3,041 |
46P | Mental Health Nurse | 70 |
46S | Operating Room Nurse | 187 |
46Y | Adv Practice RN | 672 |
47B | Orthodontist | 28 |
47D | Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist | 3 |
47E | Endodontist | 32 |
47G | Dentist | 951 |
47H | Periodontist | 45 |
47K | Pediatric Dentist | 17 |
47P | Prosthodontist | 51 |
47S | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon | 55 |
48A | Aerospace Medicine Physician Spc | 144 |
48G | General Med Officer, Flight Surgeon | 131 |
48O | Aeromedical Physician | 1 |
48R | Residency Trained Flight Surgeon | 809 |
48V | Pilot-Physician | 1 |
51J | Judge Advocate | 2,253 |
52R | Chaplain | 1,174 |
60C | Sr Materiel Leader-Upper Echelon | 15 |
61C | Chemist/Nuclear Chemist | 63 |
61D | Physicist/Nuclear Eng | 170 |
62E | Development Eng | 1,821 |
62S | Materiel Leader | 6 |
63A | Acquisition Mgr | 2,061 |
63G | Sr Materiel Leader-Lower Echelon | 56 |
63S | Materiel Leader | 135 |
64P | Contracting | 897 |
65F | Financial Mgmt | 810 |
65W | Cost Analysis | 59 |
71S | Spc Investigations | 463 |
80C | Cmdr, Cadet Squadron, USAF Academy | 45 |
81C | Instructor, Officer Training School | 56 |
81D | ROTC Detachment Commander and Professor of Aerospace Studies | 150 |
81L | Education and Training Leader | 22 |
81T | Instructor | 888 |
82A | Academic Program Mgr | 61 |
83R | Recruiting Svc | 191 |
84H | Historian | 15 |
85G | USAF Honor Guard | 5 |
86M | Ops Mgmt | 250 |
86P | C2 | 72 |
87G | Wing IG | 259 |
87I | Director, Wing Inspections | 145 |
87Q | Director, Complaints Resolution | 114 |
88A | Aide-de-camp | 43 |
88B | Protocol Officer | 21 |
88C | Sexual Assault Response Coordinator | 27 |
88I | Innovation Officer | 1 |
89G | Combat Aviation Advisor | 14 |
89W | WMD Civil Support Team | 1 |
90G | General Officer | 573 |
91C | Cmdr | 156 |
91W | Wing Cmdr | 461 |
92F | Foreign Area Officer Trainee | 38 |
92J | Non-Designated Lawyer | 5 |
92M | Health Prof Scholarship Prgm Med Student | 248 |
92P | Physician Assistant Student | 9 |
92R | Chaplain Candidate | 100 |
92S | Student Officer Authorization | 1,895 |
92T | Pilot Trainee | 2,631 |
93P | Patient | 9 |
95A | Non-Extended Active Duty USAFR Academy Liaison Officer or CAP Reserve Asst Prgm Officer | 14 |
96A | Disq. Officer, Reasons Beyond Control | 3 |
96B | Disq Officer, Reasons Within Control | 5 |
96D | Officer N/A for Use in Awarded AFSC for Cause | 15 |
97E | Executive Officer | 795 |
99A | Unspecified AFSC | 2 |
99G | Gold Bar Diversity Recruiter | 3 |

(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
Air Combat Command | 77,077 | 116 | 77,193 |
Air Education and Training Command | 54,973 | 434 | 55,047 |
Air Force Global Strike Command | 27,036 | 14 | 27,050 |
Air Force Materiel Command | 17,333 | 64 | 17,397 |
Air Force Special Operations Command | 15,485 | 10 | 15,495 |
Air Mobility Command | 40,480 | 13 | 40,493 |
Pacific Air Forces | 30,363 | 10 | 30,373 |
U.S. Air Forces Europe-Air Forces Africa | 23,898 | 12 | 23,910 |
TOTAL | 286,645 | 673 | 286,958 |
Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation | 7 | 0 | 7 |
Air Force Audit Agency | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Air Force Cost Analysis Agency | 12 | 0 | 12 |
Air Force Flight Standards Agency | 109 | 0 | 109 |
Air Force Historical Research Agency | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Air Force Inspection Agency | 80 | 0 | 80 |
Air Force Legal Operations Agency | 532 | 2 | 534 |
Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency | 154 | 0 | 154 |
Air Force Medical Readiness Agency | 216 | 0 | 216 |
Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations | 24 | 0 | 24 |
Air Force Office of Special Investigations | 159 | 0 | 159 |
Air Force Operations Group | 43 | 0 | 43 |
Air Force Personnel Center | 642 | 0 | 642 |
Air Force Public Affairs Agency | 46 | 0 | 46 |
Air Force Review Boards Agency | 26 | 0 | 26 |
Air Force Safety Center | 46 | 0 | 46 |
Air National Guard Readiness Center | 39 | 0 | 39 |
DOD Cyber Crime Center | 4 | 0 | 4 |
National Air and Space Intelligence Center* | 697 | 0 | 697 |
TOTAL | 2,836 | 2 | 2,838 |
Air Force District of Washington | 105 | 1 | 106 |
Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center | 297 | 2 | 299 |
Air Force Reserve Command | 50 | 0 | 50 |
U.S. Air Force Academy | 225 | 14 | 239 |
TOTAL | 677 | 17 | 694 |
OTHER | 25,123 | 8,249 | 33,372 |
TOTAL ACTIVE DUTY | 315,281 | 8,941 | 323,862 |
*Total personnel numbers for the National Air and
Space Intelligence Center were updated in August 2024.
Source: Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
Active Duty by Base, 2023 vs. 2013
(As of Sept. 30, 2023)
BASE | 2013 Total | 2023 Total | USAF 2023 | USSF 2023 | %CHANGE |
JB San Antonio-Lackland, Texas | 11,588 | 14,099 | 13,929 | 170 | 22 |
Ramstein AB, Germany | 9,580 | 9,520 | 9,480 | 40 | -1 |
Hurlburt Field, Fla. | 8,990 | 8,440 | 8,428 | 12 | -6 |
JB Langley-Eustis, Va. | 8,161 | 7,911 | 7,909 | 2 | -3 |
Nellis AFB, Nev. | 10,181 | 7,525 | 7,495 | 30 | -26.1 |
Shaw AFB, S.C. | 6,134 | 7,049 | 7,045 | 4 | 15 |
Travis AFB, Calif. | 6,736 | 6,661 | 6,660 | 1 | -1 |
Kadena AB, Japan | 6,563 | 6,301 | 6,300 | 1 | -4 |
Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. | 6,561 | 5,968 | 5,960 | 8 | -9 |
Offutt AFB, Neb. | 5,401 | 5,935 | 5,925 | 10 | 9.9 |
Eglin AFB, Fla. | 5,416 | 5,884 | 5,814 | 70 | 8.6 |
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio | 5,953 | 5,741 | 5,492 | 249 | -3.6 |
JB Andrews, Md. | 6,333 | 5,723 | 5,722 | 1 | -9.6 |
Scott AFB, Ill. | 5,040 | 5,679 | 5,674 | 5 | 12.7 |
JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii | 5,324 | 5,576 | 5,514 | 62 | 4.7 |
Osan AB, South Korea | 5,485 | 5,479 | 5,409 | 70 | -0.1 |
JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska | 5,612 | 5,427 | 5,427 | 0 | -3.3 |
Minot AFB, N.D. | 5,528 | 5,390 | 5,390 | 0 | -2.5 |
Cannon AFB, N.M. | 4,871 | 5,259 | 5,257 | 2 | 8 |
Sheppard AFB, Texas | 4,941 | 5,140 | 5,140 | 0 | 4 |
JB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J. | 4,957 | 5,095 | 5,095 | 0 | 2.8 |
RAF Lakenheath, U.K. | 4,524 | 5,059 | 5,059 | 0 | 11.8 |
Barksdale AFB, La. | 5,662 | 4,998 | 4,997 | 1 | -11.7 |
Holloman AFB, N.M. | 4,003 | 4,880 | 4,878 | 2 | 21.9 |
Aviano AB, Italy | 3,810 | 4,616 | 4,615 | 1 | 21.2 |
Dyess AFB, Texas | 4,739 | 4,518 | 4,516 | 2 | -4.7 |
Tinker AFB, Okla. | 4,938 | 4,508 | 4,503 | 5 | -8.7 |
Moody AFB, Ga. | 4,741 | 4,426 | 4,425 | 1 | -6.6 |
Keesler AFB, Miss. | 4,685 | 4,313 | 4,188 | 125 | -7.9 |
Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C. | 4,647 | 4,300 | 4,299 | 1 | -7.5 |
RAF Mildenhall, U.K. | 4,255 | 4,275 | 4,275 | 0 | 0.5 |
Luke AFB, Ariz. | 3,756 | 4,256 | 4,255 | 1 | 13.3 |
Hill AFB, Utah | 3,742 | 4,182 | 4,179 | 3 | 11.8 |
Spangdahlem AB, Germany | 4,350 | 3,997 | 3,997 | 0 | -8.1 |
Peterson SFB, Colo. [1] | 3,852 | 3,879 | 2,444 | 1,435 | 0.7 |
Whiteman AFB, Mo. | 4,024 | 3,829 | 3,828 | 1 | -4.8 |
MacDill AFB, Fla. | 3,698 | 3,619 | 3,587 | 32 | -2.1 |
Goodfellow AFB, Texas | 3,890 | 3,507 | 3,374 | 133 | -9.8 |
JB Charleston, S.C. | 3,853 | 3,453 | 3,452 | 1 | -10.4 |
Little Rock AFB, Ark. | 5,375 | 3,439 | 3,438 | 1 | -36 |
Fairchild AFB, Wash. | 2,912 | 3,433 | 3,433 | 0 | 17.9 |
Yokota AB, Japan | 2,938 | 3,431 | 3,422 | 9 | 16.8 |
Fort Meade, Md. | 2,616 | 3,407 | 3,247 | 160 | 30.2 |
Mountain Home AFB, Idaho | 3,522 | 3,321 | 3,321 | 0 | -5.7 |
Dover AFB, Del. | 3,554 | 3,317 | 3,316 | 1 | -6.7 |
Beale AFB, Calif. | 4,862 | 3,252 | 3,206 | 46 | -33.1 |
Ellsworth AFB, S.D. | 3,333 | 3,200 | 3,196 | 4 | -4 |
Malmstrom AFB, Mont. | 3,340 | 3,200 | 3,185 | 15 | -4.2 |
Kirtland AFB, N.M. | 3,300 | 3,189 | 3,014 | 175 | -3.4 |
Creech AFB [2] | n/a | 3,162 | 3,162 | 0 | n/a |
Eielson AFB, Alaska | 1,897 | 3,124 | 3,123 | 1 | 64.7 |
JB Lewis-McChord, Wash. | 3,673 | 3,093 | 3,093 | 0 | -15.8 |
Pentagon, Va. | 4,163 | 3,067 | 2,628 | 439 | -26.3 |
F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo. | 3,197 | 3,012 | 3,012 | 0 | -5.8 |
JB San Antonio-Randolph, Texas | 2,546 | 2,859 | 2,832 | 27 | 12.3 |
McConnell AFB, Kan. | 3,121 | 2,834 | 2,833 | 1 | -9.2 |
Misawa AB, Japan | 2,827 | 2,832 | 2,816 | 16 | 0.2 |
Bolling AFB, D.C. | 2,370 | 2,777 | 2,705 | 72 | 17.2 |
Robins AFB, Ga. | 3,781 | 2,757 | 2,756 | 1 | -27.1 |
Edwards AFB, Calif. | 2,648 | 2,656 | 2,638 | 18 | 0.3 |
Vandenberg SFB, Calif. | 2,821 | 2,465 | 1,630 | 835 | -12.6 |
Tyndall AFB, Fla. | 3,023 | 2,453 | 2,452 | 1 | -18.9 |
Maxwell AFB, Ala. | 2,927 | 2,417 | 2,347 | 70 | -17.4 |
Kunsan AB, South Korea | 2,380 | 2,395 | 2,395 | 0 | 0.6 |
Pope Field, N.C. | 2,712 | 2,350 | 2,350 | 0 | -13.3 |
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo. | 2,129 | 2,214 | 2,146 | 68 | 4 |
Schriever SFB, Colo. | 1,603 | 2,194 | 487 | 1,707 | 36.9 |
Andersen AFB, Guam | 2,023 | 2,190 | 2,190 | 0 | 8.3 |
Buckley SFB, Colo. | 1,563 | 1,835 | 1,085 | 750 | 17.4 |
*Patrick SFB, Fla. [1] | 1,736 | 1,804 | 1,641 | 163 | 3.9 |
MCB Quantico, Va. | 1,569 | 1,682 | 1,678 | 4 | 7.2 |
Grand Forks AFB, N.D. | 1,704 | 1,631 | 1,631 | 0 | -4.3 |
Incirlik AB, Turkey | 1,339 | 1,580 | 1,580 | 0 | 18 |
JB San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas | 1,231 | 1,553 | 1,553 | 0 | 26.2 |
Hanscom AFB, Mass. | 1,519 | 1,451 | 1,442 | 9 | -4.5 |
Columbus AFB, Miss. | 1,521 | 1,422 | 1,422 | 0 | -6.5 |
Laughlin AFB, Texas | 1,431 | 1,288 | 1,288 | 0 | -10 |
Altus AFB, Okla. | 1,367 | 1,265 | 1,265 | 0 | -7.5 |
Vance AFB, Okla. | 1,284 | 1,219 | 1,218 | 1 | -5.1 |
Los Angeles AFB, Calif. | 1,359 | 1,205 | 552 | 653 | -11.3 |
USAG Stuttgart, Germany | 1,188 | 826 | 820 | 6 | -30.5 |
[1] USSF personnel assigned to Cape Canaveral SFS are included with Patrick SFB; and those assigned to Cheyenne Mountain SFS are included with Peterson SFB.
[2] Not separately recorded.