A comprehensive look at the Air Force and the Space Force, including people, equipment, budget, weapons systems, and more.
June/July 2023
Vol. 106, No. 6

The command structure of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force; numbered air forces; field commands; major commands; and centers.
Personnel by the numbers: Total Force; end strength and manpower trends; breakdowns by gender, rank, region, command, base, Air Force Specialty Codes, sex, ethnicity, race, marital status, and education.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: DOD Personnel
DOD Personnel by the numbers, including Total Force End Strength and Demographics by service, rank, sex and education.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Spending
The Defense Department Budget rolls up the total spending by each military department—the Departments of the Air Force (which also includes the Space Force), the Navy (which also includes the Marine Corps), and the Army.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Equipment
Total aircraft inventory; aircraft inventory trends; ICBM and satellite inventory; and aircraft age.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: U.S. Space Force
A comprehensive look at the U.S. Space Force, including people, equipment, budget, weapons systems, history, and more.
Editorial: An Airman Will Be Chairman
For the first time in 18 years, an Airman will be the commander in chief’s top military adviser, and not a moment too soon.
As Chairman, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. will have an opportunity to exert influence across the joint enterprise, including how requirements should be met and resourced.
Strategy & Policy: Is the F-35 Program Too Big to Manage?
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) thinks the time has come to break this behemoth into more manageable chunks.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Pay & Allowances
Military basic pay; housing allowance; hazardous duty pay; federal civilian pay, incentive pay, housing allowances, and SES pay.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Rank Insignia of the Armed Forces
Rank Insignia of the Armed Forces, including Air Force, Space Force, Army, Navy & Coast Guard, and Marine Corps.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Awards and Decorations
Ribbons in order of precedence; devices; specialty berets.
We love letters! Write to us at letters@afa.org. To be published, letters should be timely, relevant and concise. Include your name and location. Letters may be edited for space and the editors have final say on which are published.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: USAF Major Commands and Reserve Components
The Air Force has nine major commands and two Air Reserve
Components. (Air Force Reserve Command is both a majcom and an ARC.) In late 2019, Air Force Space Command was redesignated U.S. Space Force, a separate military branch under the Department of the Air Force.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: FOAs, DRUs, & Civil Air Patrol
Brief descriptions of each, as well as mission and Active-duty personnel numbers.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Air Force Wings
Mission, Location, Emblem, and Majcom affiliation.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Leaders
Principal USAF and major command leaders through the years.
Almanac: Historic Major Command Leaders
Air Force Magazine Almanac Historic Major Command Leaders
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Installations
A guide to Active duty, Reserve, and Air National Guard installations worldwide; locator maps for U.S. and overseas installations and operating bases.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Weapons & Platforms
A detailed guide to the aircraft, aerial target systems, weapons systems, and satellite systems in USAF and USSF inventory.
Faces of the Force
Tell us who you think we should highlight here. Write to airandspaceforces@afa.org.
A collection of of quotes on airpower, space power, and national security issues.
World: Leadership
WORLD: Leadership: CSAF Brown nominated to be CJCS; Most likely next Air Force Chief; Promotions to lieutenant colonel harder; Biden speaks at USAFA graduation.
World: Russia-Ukraine
World: Russia-Ukraine: Airmen translate Russian war account.
World: Military Families
World: Military Families: 5 keys to life as military spouse; New ICBM Cancer study.
World: Readiness
WORLD: Readiness: Safety pause over, B-2 flies; New bill to lock in Guard Fighter Squadrons; DARPA's X-65 aircraft.
World: Space
World: Space: Space Force wants its own ISR satellites; Bentivegna is the next CMSSF.
2023 USAF & USSF Almanac: Glossary of Acronyms & Abbreviations
A non-exhaustive list of acronyms and abbreviations found in the 2023 Almanac.
AFA In Action: Welcoming Heroes Home, 50 Years Later: AFA Gathers to Remember Vietnam
More than 90 organizations, including the Air & Space Forces Association, contributed to the national event planned by the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, but of the dozens of exhibit tents at Camp Legacy, AFA’s was one of the busiest.