The Airmen who specialize in weather are much more than just a weather app; properly employed, they can help commanders predict and influence adversary behavior.
July/August 2024
Vol. 107, No. 7

Currently, neither Russia nor Ukraine is using combat aircraft to conduct deep strikes, relying instead on missiles and drones. The lethal air defenses on both sides have resulted in a state of air parity, in which neither force has control of the air.
Airpower is a desired capability that everybody wants. Because it’s asymmetric, with a little bit of airpower, you can create a lot of effects.
Space Order of Battle: Beyond Domain Awareness
Today threats in space are significant. Increasingly, U.S. space capabilities are contested, as Russia and China pursue threatening capabilities to challenge what was once U.S. dominance and have become near parity.
Around the World in 45 Hours
Project Magellan is the latest maximum endurance operation (MEO), the term for long-haul missions, meant to test Airmen as transport and tanker crews under Air Mobility Command.
Editorial: An Unfulfilled Offset Strategy
In the absence of a rival superpower in the 1990s, and with the miscalculations of the post-9/11 counterinsurgency campaigns, the successive administrations, the Pentagon, and Congress managed to squander America’s technological edge.
Strategy & Policy: Rethinking Next-Gen Air Dominance
Leaders seem to be hedging, with senior service leaders indicating concern over NGAD’s costs and raising questions about the future of U.S. air dominance.
WORLD: Air: F-335 Readiness; No More Ops & Maintenance Groups; a 24 Deployable Combat Wings.
WORLD: Space
WORLD: Space: Mission Deltas Unite Operations.
WORLD: Russia-Ukraine
WORLD: Russia-Ukraine: Russian Jamming Wreaks Havoc.
WORLD: Sentinel
WORLD: Sentinel: Costs Jump 81% after Pentagon Review.
WORLD: Personnel
WORLD: Personnel: Space Force Adjusts Readiness Model.
A collection of quotes on airpower, space power, and national security issues.
Faces of the Force
Tell us who you think we should highlight here. Write to
We love letters! Write to us at To be published, letters should be timely, relevant and concise. Include your name and location. Letters may be edited for space and the editors have final say on which are published.
AFA In Action: AIMS: Advocates to Inspire Military Service
One objective of AIMS is to promote closer relationships with recruiting squadrons
Heroes And Leaders: Robinson Risner
Robbie Risner was a hero in two wars. Earning two Air Force Crosses, he was an ace in Korea and a prisoner of war (POW) in Vietnam who survived over seven years in captivity.
AFA Nominees: 2024-2025
The Air & Space Forces Association Nominating and Governance Committee selected seven candidates to send forward for open National Officer positions and National Director positions on the Board of Directors.