AI Kanye West

Deepfake Voice Kanye West

About AI Kanye West

Jukebox + GPT-2

Humans have taught computers to do some extraordinary and sometimes unpleasant things. But nothing captures both of these aspects quite like a machine-generated snippet of Kanye West rapping Eminem's "Lose Yourself" with what sounds like a mouthful of stored quarantine Nutella.

This is just one of the thousands of fascinating yet creepy song snippets created by GPT-2.

Jukebox is capable of analyzing audio from more than 1 million songs retrieved from the web. With this fuzzy internal concept of what constitutes enjoyable music, Jukebox produces new tunes in a variety of styles and in the style of certain artists. The final result includes AI-generated music and vocals.



In a more recent example, Deepfake Kanye Voice Disses The Patriarchy alongside AI Eminem.

GPT-2 Kanye West

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