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OpenAI for Coda

Using GPT-3 and DALL-E to Automate Tasks Quickly

What is OpenAI for Coda?

Coda is an innovative type of document that combines the features of documents, spreadsheets, and applications into one convenient platform. With OpenAI’s GPT-3 and DALL-E, you can unlock your creative potential by bringing your ideas to life. From summarizing meeting notes and Slack conversations to generating cover images and tweets, OpenAI makes it easy to tackle tedious tasks. You can even use OpenAI to get your creativity flowing! Call GPT-3 and DALL-E from your Coda documents.

OpenAI for Coda Screenshots

OpenAI for Coda - screen 1
OpenAI for Coda - screen 2
OpenAI for Coda - screen 3
OpenAI for Coda - screen 4

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