
The first in a series of AI-assisted private search and browser updates by DuckDuckGo

About DuckAssist

If you enter a question that can be answered by Wikipedia into our search box, DuckAssist may appear and use AI natural language technology to anonymously generate a brief, sourced summary of what it finds in Wikipedia — right above our regular private search results. It’s completely free and private itself, with no sign-up required, and it’s available right now.

This is the first in a series of generative AI-assisted features we hope to roll out in the coming months. We wanted DuckAssist to be the first because we think it can immediately help users find answers to what they are looking for faster. And, if this DuckAssist trial goes well, we will roll it out to all DuckDuckGo search users in the coming weeks.

DuckDuckGo is using natural language technology from OpenAI and Anthropic to summarize what they find in Wikipedia, these answers should be more directly responsive to your actual question than traditional search results or other Instant Answers.


DuckAssist screenshots

DuckAssist - screen 1
DuckAssist - screen 2

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