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A large language model aligned to the medical domain

About Med-PaLM

Google and DeepMind have developed Med-PaLM, an AI-driven chatbot tool, with the goal of providing healthcare professionals and patients with helpful and secure answers to their questions. This model is based on the 540-billion parameter PaLM model and has been trained using seven different question-answering datasets, including NedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA, LiveQA, MedicationQA, MMLU, and HealthSearchQA. The latter was created by the developers to answer medical-related inquiries regarding conditions and their symptoms. Currently, this model cannot be tested by the public, but the researchers' paper is available on the internet.


Med-PaLM screenshots

Med-PaLM - screen 1
Med-PaLM - screen 2
Med-PaLM - screen 3

Med-PaLM Video Demonstration

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