June 2019

Vol. 102, No. 6

President Trump has spent nearly a year pressing for the creation of an independent Space Force. Over the next few months, Congress must decide how—and whether—to act. Advocates for a separate Space Force argue that Russia and China already see...
An exclusive interview with Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee, AFRC commander.
A comprehensive look at the Air Force including its people, equipment, budget, weapons systems, and mo

Almanac: Spending

USAF spending trends; DOD and USAF fiscal 2020 budget request; spending as a share of GDP; major procurement and RDT&E programs.

Almanac: Bases and Stations

A guide to Active Duty, Reserve, and Air National Guard installations worldwide; locator maps for US and overseas installations and operating bases.

Namesakes: W.L. Creech

Gen. Wilbur Creech. Photo: USAF The man whose name graces Creech AFB, Nev., was described upon his death in 2003 as “a leader, visionary, warrior, and mentor.” Gen. W. L. Creech was so described by Gen. John P. Jumper, Air...


WHITHER WEATHER As a USAF facility engineer, I was reading with interest about the plans for Tyndall’s reconstruction [“Tyndall’s New Rebuild Plan: The Base of the Future,” April, p. 18]. Little did I know that the author and the Air...

Strategy & Policy

An airman runs maintenance on an EC-130H Compass Call at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, in 2018. The Compass Call mission is transitioning to the new EC-37 airframe. Photo: SSgt. Kristin High REBUILDING ELECTRONIC WARFARE After long years of neglect, the Air...


QX54 unmanned aircraft. Photo: USAF video still. SECURITY FLAW “The US technology-control system is designed for an era of US technological dominance that no longer exists. The export-control mechanisms, which were designed to maintain US technological dominance developed at the...


A SpaceX Falcon 9 carrying a GPS III payload lifts off from Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla., Dec. 23, 2018. The GPS mission is overseen by Air Force Space Command at Schriever AFB, Colo. Photo: SpaceX PREPARING FOR FUTURE SPACE FLIGHTS...

Faces of the Force

Sgt. Matthew Staggs (r) saved Amy Lynn Samulenas (l), an Air Force spouse, with a kidney transplant. It was the difference between life and death. Courtesy photo 691st Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group TSgt. Matthew Staggs (r) saved an Air...

Airman for Life

Mark Tarpley leader of AFA’s Field Council Advocacy Committee. Courtesy photo Air Force Association members have a new tool to help them share current issues and advocate for airpower: A series of issue-by-issue communications cards that capture the key details...

AFA Emerging Leaders

Mitzi Morrison in front of a STEM display. Courtesy photo MITZI J. MORRISON Home State: Texas Chapter: Donnelly Chapter (Texas) Joined AFA: 2016 AFA Awards: Chapter Teacher of the Year, Medal of Freedom, AFA Medal of Merit Occupation: Director and...

Almanac: Structure, People, and Pay

USAF command structure; numbered air forces and centers; USAF’s personnel by the numbers; breakdowns by gender, rank, region, and command; military basic pay; housing allowance; hazardous duty pay; and federal civilian pay.